TapArena » Arcade http://taparena.com iPad And iPhone Game Reviews Sun, 21 Jun 2015 18:13:14 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.2.1 Mortal Kombat X: iOS Launch Trailerhttp://taparena.com/2015/04/09/mortal-kombat-x-ios-launch-trailer/ http://taparena.com/2015/04/09/mortal-kombat-x-ios-launch-trailer/#comments Thu, 09 Apr 2015 17:08:26 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1759 Continue reading ]]>

If you like fighting games, you must have already heard of Mortal Kombat. It’s arguably one of the best beat-’em-up series out there and without a doubt one of the most controversial as well, due to its very graphic nature. The first Mortal Kombat was released in 1992 and the series has since seen many releases on almost any platform under the sun. It’s great news that the newest entry, Mortal Kombat X, is not only released on the current console generation, but also available for your iPhone and iPad. Let me point out though, that this game isn’t a port – it’s more like a reimagination for touchscreen devices, based on the assets of the console version. In my eyes, that’s a good thing though, because touchscreens just can’t offer the kind of feedback and precision necessary for controlling a fast paced and complex beat-’em-up.

Mortal Kombat X is avaliable on the App Store for free, it looks gorgeous and therefore I highly recommend you go and check it out. However, if you like your beat-’em-ups a little more oldschool with classic controls, why don’t you have a look at the excellent Street Fighter IV or Street Fighter X Tekken? Decisions, decisions!

http://taparena.com/2015/04/09/mortal-kombat-x-ios-launch-trailer/feed/ 0
Crossy Road Brings The Best Of Frogger To The App Storehttp://taparena.com/2015/03/04/crossy-road-brings-the-best-of-frogger-to-the-app-store/ http://taparena.com/2015/03/04/crossy-road-brings-the-best-of-frogger-to-the-app-store/#comments Wed, 04 Mar 2015 19:08:52 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1699 Continue reading ]]>

If you are old enough to remember Frogger, you know exactly what to expect from Crossy Road. In case you don’t remember Frogger, think of the title “Crossy Road” as a literal representation of the gameplay. I know, I know – corssing roads doesn’t sound like fun at all, right? Wrong! Crossy Road has just the right amount of polish to its somewhat whimsical presentation and controlling your litte character on screen feels tight and responsive. In the end, you only have to answer one question: Haven’t you always wanted to help Doge cross the street? If your response is “wow”, then there’s exactly two things you should do: First, watch the trailer above, showcasing several in game characters and second, go and download Crossy Road from the App Store – it’s free and universal, meaning you can enjoy it on your iPhone and iPad alike.

http://taparena.com/2015/03/04/crossy-road-brings-the-best-of-frogger-to-the-app-store/feed/ 0
Alto’s Adventure: A Beautiful Trailer For A Beautiful Gamehttp://taparena.com/2015/02/27/altos-adventure-a-beautiful-trailer-for-a-beautiful-game/ http://taparena.com/2015/02/27/altos-adventure-a-beautiful-trailer-for-a-beautiful-game/#comments Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:19:10 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1634 Continue reading ]]>

If there’s something that I always fall for, it’s beautiful art direction. And if a developer manages to combine it with great music and fun gameplay, I’m usually all over it. As is the case with Alto’s Adventure. It’s a 2D sidescrolling snowboard game – and if that’s something you’re even remotely interested in, you should definitely check out the trailer above.

Alto’s Adventure is available on the App Store since February 19th for $1.99. If you want to know more about the game, why don’t you head over to the game’s official (and equally beautiful) website.

http://taparena.com/2015/02/27/altos-adventure-a-beautiful-trailer-for-a-beautiful-game/feed/ 0
BADLAND: Gameplay Trailer Looks Stellarhttp://taparena.com/2013/03/19/badland-gameplay-trailer-looks-stellar/ http://taparena.com/2013/03/19/badland-gameplay-trailer-looks-stellar/#comments Tue, 19 Mar 2013 21:36:55 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1631 Continue reading ]]>

If you like great art direction and simple yet elegant gameplay, do yourself a favor and check out this BADLAND trailer. It’s an adventure/puzzle game that’s going to be out on April 4th. It’s one of those games that is created from the ground up with touchscreen input in mind. All you have to do to control it, is to tap the screen. That way you adjust the height of your little, flying fellow. Now, this has the potential to get boring fast, so it needs to be combined with some stellar gameplay mechanics. But judging from what I’ve seen so far from the developers, the level-design is as creative as it is varied. All in all, this game got me really excited to get my hands on it, so April 4th can’t come soon enough.

http://taparena.com/2013/03/19/badland-gameplay-trailer-looks-stellar/feed/ 0
Heads Up! Hot Dogs – This Game Reveals What Hot Dogs Were Really Made For!http://taparena.com/2012/11/01/heads-up-hot-dogs-this-game-reveals-what-hot-dogs-were-really-made-for/ http://taparena.com/2012/11/01/heads-up-hot-dogs-this-game-reveals-what-hot-dogs-were-really-made-for/#comments Thu, 01 Nov 2012 13:06:21 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1582 Continue reading ]]>

Do you enjoy high score chasing games? Do you like hot dogs? Do you like weird stuff? Yes? Then Heads Up! Hot Dogs sounds like just the right game for you! All you need to do is put hot dogs that fall from the sky on people’s heads. Wait, what?! Yeah, placing hot dogs on people’s heads, you read that right. Sometimes you really have to wonder what magical chemicals the developers of games such as Heads Up! Hot Dogs accidentally stumbled upon before they came up with the gameplay idea. Maybe they played too many Mario games and took the idea of magic mushrooms too literal?

Anywho, as long as it means we can get our hands on games that are as weirdly awesome as Heads Up! Hot Dogs, I’m totally fine with whatever dietary supplements the devs spice up their lives with! In case you’re still not sure what the heck I’m talking about, just go ahead and watch the trailer and I’m sure you’ll instantly understand. Heads Up! Hot Dogs is a universal app that will set you back $0.99 and like I said, if you dig the idea of placing hot dogs on peoples heads while chasing the high score, this game is totally worth it! It’s “the most realistic hot-dog-head-balancing game EVER” after all.

http://taparena.com/2012/11/01/heads-up-hot-dogs-this-game-reveals-what-hot-dogs-were-really-made-for/feed/ 0
Minigore 2: Zombies Trailer – Watch Santa Slay Some Undead Suckers!http://taparena.com/2012/10/16/minigore-2-zombies-trailer-watch-santa-slay-some-undead-suckers/ http://taparena.com/2012/10/16/minigore-2-zombies-trailer-watch-santa-slay-some-undead-suckers/#comments Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:16:34 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1566 Continue reading ]]>

Oh yeah, Minigore is back. Well, almost! The developer has released a brand new trailer showing off some glorious footage of a zombie slaying Santa! Yes you heard that right – apparently, our beloved Santa is now in the zombie killing business. When the original Minigore was released and the App Store wasn’t yet filled with tons and tons of games, it was one of the most outstanding titles for the iPhone and, in my opinion, still is one of the coolest dual-stick shooters around! According to Mountain Sheep, the developer, Minigore 2 is almost done, so I’m definitely looking forward to slaying those zombie hordes myself in the foreseeable future!

http://taparena.com/2012/10/16/minigore-2-zombies-trailer-watch-santa-slay-some-undead-suckers/feed/ 0
Now On Sale – Dead Space HD And Real Racing 2http://taparena.com/2012/10/16/now-on-sale-dead-space-hd-and-real-racing-2/ http://taparena.com/2012/10/16/now-on-sale-dead-space-hd-and-real-racing-2/#comments Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:03:23 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1562 Continue reading ]]> dead space real racing 2 sale <span>Now On Sale</span> Dead Space HD And Real Racing 2

Listen up guys, with Real Racing 2 and Dead Space HD two of the most awesome games on the App Store are currently on sale! Dead Space HD dropped from $9.99 to $1.99 and Real Racing 2 dropped from $4.99 to $0.99. Both games are an incredible bargain at their current price tags. Heck, I even think they offer great value when they are not up for sale! I totally loved Dead Space in my review so go check it out if you are still in doubt! Also, have look at the trailers:

Dead Space is only on sale for the iPad, while the iPhone version remains at $6.99. With Real Racing 2, it’s the other way around: The price for the iPhone version is lowered to $0.99, whereas the iPad version will still set you back $6.99. Both games offer some impressive graphics and helped push what we thought was technically possible on the iOS platform to new heights. Therefore, I can only repeat myself: If you own either an iPhone or iPad and you’re into games (which you probably are, why on earth would you end up on TapArena otherwise?!) you should totally play those games!

http://taparena.com/2012/10/16/now-on-sale-dead-space-hd-and-real-racing-2/feed/ 0
Need For Speed: Most Wanted – Check Out The Trailer!http://taparena.com/2012/10/10/need-for-speed-most-wanted-check-out-the-trailer/ http://taparena.com/2012/10/10/need-for-speed-most-wanted-check-out-the-trailer/#comments Wed, 10 Oct 2012 21:57:23 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1510 Continue reading ]]> Need For Speed: Most Wanted Logo

Need For Speed: Most Wanted will be out this October for iPhone and iPad. The incredible good news about this: The geniuses at Firemonkeys, responsible for the Real Racing games, are the ones who develop Need For Speed: Most Wanted! So it’s almost needless to say that the trailer looks absolutely fantastic! On top of that, Need For Speed: Most Wanted has always been one of the most fan-loved entries of the series, so I’m hoping that we’ll get something really special here! Unfortunately, the trailer isn’t all that long and basically does not reveal anything else of interest. Like, how many cars will be in the game? What game modes will it offer? Will you be able to tune your car?

These are all important questions that could make or break the game. But like I said, Need For Speed: Most Wanted is developed by Firemonkeys, so I’m definitely giving them the benefit of the doubt!

http://taparena.com/2012/10/10/need-for-speed-most-wanted-check-out-the-trailer/feed/ 0
Zombiewood For iPhone And iPad – Gameloft’s Entering The Dual-Stick Shooter Genrehttp://taparena.com/2012/10/10/zombiewood-for-iphone-and-ipad-gamelofts-entering-the-dual-stick-shooter-genre/ http://taparena.com/2012/10/10/zombiewood-for-iphone-and-ipad-gamelofts-entering-the-dual-stick-shooter-genre/#comments Wed, 10 Oct 2012 21:28:03 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1502 Continue reading ]]>

Remember Minigore? I’d say it was one of the first really good dual-stick shooters for the iPhone back then. With Zombiewood for iOS, Gameloft seems to try and get its own foot into the dual-stick shooter genre. The ingredients? Lots of guns, charming 3D visuals and zombies. Sounds like great ingredients – but also very, oh so very familiar by now. It’s just that in recent years, the shoot-zombies-in-the-face genre has expanded exponentially. But then again, shooting zombies in the face never gets old.

While this is only the announcement trailer and there is no word of the release date yet, Gameloft usually only announces new games when they are just a few weeks from being available on the App Store. So if Zombiewood sounds like something you’d enjoy, you should be able to get your hands on it pretty soon!

http://taparena.com/2012/10/10/zombiewood-for-iphone-and-ipad-gamelofts-entering-the-dual-stick-shooter-genre/feed/ 0
He-Man: The Most Powerful Game In The Universe Trailer Looks… Fabulous?http://taparena.com/2012/10/10/he-man-the-most-powerful-game-in-the-universe-trailer-looks-fabulous/ http://taparena.com/2012/10/10/he-man-the-most-powerful-game-in-the-universe-trailer-looks-fabulous/#comments Wed, 10 Oct 2012 20:57:22 +0000 Tom http://taparena.com/?p=1498 Continue reading ]]>

He-Man: The Most Powerful Game In The Universe… now that’s the way to name a game, right? What’s so awesome about it is the fact that Chillingo is not really tying to convey the message that He-Man is the epitome of manliness, no, they show that by not taking yourself too seriously, you can actually improve an existing franchise. And thank god for that. While I thought He-Man was a total badass when my younger self was getting up early on the weekends to watch the cartoons, I don’t think anyone could take that blonde dude seriously in today’s world.

But fear not, while the game does not take itself all that serious, you will still find most of the characters from the show have made it into He-Man: The Most Powerful Game In The Universe! Personally, I’m looking forward to kick some Skeletor butt on my iPad! The trailer doesn’t reveal too much about what to expect form the gameplay, what’s shown does look pretty fun though. The graphics are quite nice and it seems they use some of the original audio recordings, which is always a big bonus in my book. The game will be on the App Store “soon”, so better get your iPhones and iPads ready for the Most Powerful Game In The Universe!

Oh, totally relevant:

http://taparena.com/2012/10/10/he-man-the-most-powerful-game-in-the-universe-trailer-looks-fabulous/feed/ 0