Category Archives: Arcade

Mortal Kombat X: iOS Launch Trailer

If you like fighting games, you must have already heard of Mortal Kombat. It’s arguably one of the best beat-’em-up series out there and without a doubt one of the most controversial as well, due to its very graphic nature. … Continue reading

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Crossy Road Brings The Best Of Frogger To The App Store

If you are old enough to remember Frogger, you know exactly what to expect from Crossy Road. In case you don’t remember Frogger, think of the title “Crossy Road” as a literal representation of the gameplay. I know, I know … Continue reading

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Alto’s Adventure: A Beautiful Trailer For A Beautiful Game

If there’s something that I always fall for, it’s beautiful art direction. And if a developer manages to combine it with great music and fun gameplay, I’m usually all over it. As is the case with Alto’s Adventure. It’s a … Continue reading

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BADLAND: Gameplay Trailer Looks Stellar

If you like great art direction and simple yet elegant gameplay, do yourself a favor and check out this BADLAND trailer. It’s an adventure/puzzle game that’s going to be out on April 4th. It’s one of those games that is … Continue reading

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Heads Up! Hot Dogs – This Game Reveals What Hot Dogs Were Really Made For!

Do you enjoy high score chasing games? Do you like hot dogs? Do you like weird stuff? Yes? Then Heads Up! Hot Dogs sounds like just the right game for you! All you need to do is put hot dogs … Continue reading

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