Category Archives: Platform

He-Man: The Most Powerful Game In The Universe Trailer Looks… Fabulous?

He-Man: The Most Powerful Game In The Universe… now that’s the way to name a game, right? What’s so awesome about it is the fact that Chillingo is not really tying to convey the message that He-Man is the epitome … Continue reading

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LostWinds – App Of The Week! Grab It While It’s Free

The beautiful platforming game LostWinds is this week’s “App of the Week” – and therefore totally free for you to download and enjoy on your iPhone and iPad! And you really should go ahead and give LostWinds a shot since … Continue reading

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Rayman Jungle Run – One Of The Best Jump ‘n’ Runs In Recent Years Coming To iPhone And iPad!

Ubisoft’s Rayman is coming to iOS! And damn soon as well: Get ready for a real jump ‘n’ run treat on September 20th! After playing a smaller part in Ubisoft’s Rabbids franchise, Rayman has recently celebrated a huge comeback with … Continue reading

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Bumpy Road Release Date Confirmed – Get Ready For May 19th

Simogo has just announced via their official Twitter account that Bumpy Road will be released on May 19th. Bumpy Road is a unique platformer in which you control a car by morphing the road its driving on. And we liked … Continue reading

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Demolition Dash Preview – Zilla Wants To Play!

Thanks to the fine folks at dreamfab we got the chance to play a preview build of Demolition Dash. It’s a Canabalt style running/platforming game with a few additional gameplay elements. You’ll be in control of Zilla who just awoke … Continue reading

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