
Order & Chaos Available In Canada, Subscription Model Revealed, Release Worldwide TBA

Gameloft’s MMORPG for iPhone and iPad is out in Canada. If you ever played a MMORPG (in this case particularly World of Warcraft) you should feel at home pretty fast. You can chose to play for the Order (Humans and Elves) or Chaos (Orcs and Undead) to spend countless hours grinding up your characters level while you solve all sorts of quests for various NPCs. But only over WiFi – at the moment Order & Chaos does not work with a 3G connection.

Order & Chaos gives you a vast amount of options to customize your character. Not only can you tweak your characters appearance to your likes, but you will also be in charge of your characters development. More than 1000 different skills and 2000 pieces of Equipment are waiting for you to be discovered.

Order & Chaos comes with a monthly subscription model. It will offer you a free 3 month trial when you log-in for the first time. After that you can chose between 3 options:

• $0.99 for 1 month
• $1.99 for 3 months
• $2.99 for 6 months

At the moment, Order & Chaos is only available in the Canadian App Store and it’s not clear when Order & Chaos will be released worldwide.

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Dead Space Review For iPhone And iPad – Truly Immersive

dead space ipad header2 Dead Space Review For iPhone And iPad   Truly Immersive

If someone asked me right now what game he should get for his iPhone or iPad, having in mind that he loves his Xbox360/PS3, I wouldn’t even have to think for a second before recommending Dead Space. Not only because he will most likely be familiar with the franchise, but because it’s one of the most outstanding titles on the App Store right now. It really is that good.

Because of its great visuals, immediately after Dead Space was announced a lot of people started wondering whether you will have full control over the character’s movement, or if it would be an on-rail shooter. After EA dropped the bomb that players will be in full control, iOS gamers got very excited to get their hands on the 3rd person shooter. A lot of people loved the original Dead Space back in 2008 and Dead Space for iOS translates almost all gameplay elements to your iPhone and iPad – but with a completely new, stand-alone story that takes place before the events in Dead Space 2. Strategic dismemberment of the disgusting Necromorphs, Stasis, Kinesis, Zero-G, the stomp – it’s all there and it works great. But most importantly, EA succeeded in bringing the tense atmosphere, for which the Dead Space series is famous for, right into the palm of your hands.

dead space ipad 12 Dead Space Review For iPhone And iPad   Truly Immersive dead space ipad 20 Dead Space Review For iPhone And iPad   Truly Immersive

An important aspect of a 3rd person survival horror game are the controls. And EA has definitely put some thought into the control scheme, it works great. The left side of the screen is dedicated to character movement – basically wherever you touch will be the center of an invisible virtual analog stick. You use the right side of the screen to aim and shoot. If you touch it once you will go into aim mode, touch it again and you will shoot. You can change the orientation of your weapon by either a button underneath the weapon, or by quickly tilting your iDevice. And just like the console versions of Dead Space, EA tried to get rid of as much of the HUD as possible – but due to the touchscreen input, they had to include some of it. The health bar and the ammo count remain the same, but you will need the HUD to change weapons or to access the blue beam that guides you through the levels.

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The presentation of Dead Space is impressive. While the mere visual quality can’t quite compete with Infinity Blade, you have to have the fact that you’re in control where to go in mind, which needs more resources than an on-rail concept. The game is also one of the few to date that takes advantage of the new iPad 2 hardware. EA has just recently released an update that enhances the visuals even further if played on iPad 2. What also shines is the sound design. The background music combined with some spooky screams every now and then will keep you on your toes. You should definitely play Dead Space with some decent headphones, a lot of effort went into the sound and it contributes a lot to the creepy atmosphere.

If you are into the survival horror genre, Dead Space should be an instant pick-up. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart, but if this review got you even remotely excited, check out the trailer below to get an idea of the atmosphere to see if it’s something for you.

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Fast Five The Movie – iOS Game Coming This Thursday, New Gameplay Trailer Online

Gameloft’s official game to accompany Fast Five the Movie is coming this Thursday, April 28. While the last trailer left me wondering whether I was looking at a mobile version of Disney’s Split/Second, this trailer has a strong Burnout vibe going (and some of the scenes remind me of NFS: Underground – so yeah, this is definitely a Gameloft game). And it actually looks like a lot of fun. The trailer reveals that it will offer 10 player local and online multiplayer – which is almost always a great addition to any racing game. Let’s find out later this week how good it really is.

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John Carmack Explains Why id Develops For iOS And Not For Android

rage header John Carmack Explains Why id Develops For iOS And Not For Android

John Carmack, the man who basically invented modern first person shooters, recently spoke to NowGamer. The interview is mostly about id’s upcoming Rage for PC and consoles, but at one point John Carmack gives us a bit of an insight into his view on development for iOS and Android.

He evaluates the Android platform every six month to judge if it’s time to start developing for it. His conclusion to date is that, as a developer, you are just not making money on the Android platform as you do on iOS. He says it was interesting to see at their last Quakecon, when he took a hands poll, that almost as many people had an Android device as an iOS device – but once he asked who had spent 20 bucks on games in the Android store, that number changed drastically.

Carmack goes on explaining that it’s just fun to develop for iOS and that they had made more money on the Doom RPG stuff than people may expect. And when they show people what they are working on for iOS, these people would often react with the desire to start developing for iOS themselves.

At the end Carmack jokes that id actually even hired someone to be their Android guy – but it looks like he’ll be “stuck on iOS development”.

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EA’s Easter Sale – Don’t Miss It!

ea easter sale header EAs Easter Sale   Dont Miss It!

EA apparently likes Easter – well, at least they think it’s a great opportunity to put on a huge sale to keep all iOS gamers entertained through this weekend. There are some amazing games on sale for a real bargain. Find an excerpt of some of the sales below and make sure to head over to EA to see the full list of what’s on sale this weekend.

iPhone Sales
• Dead Space – $0.99
• NBA Jam – $0.99
• Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 – $0.99
• Max & the Magic Marker – $0.99
• Fight Night Champion – $0.99
• Battlefield Bad Company 2 – $0.99
• Need for Speed Hot Pursuit – $0.99
• The Sims 3 – $0.99
• FIFA 11 – $0.99
• Reckless Racing – $0.99
• Mirror’s Edge – $0.99
• Liqua Pop – $0.99
• R-Type – $1.99
• Command & Conquer Red Alert – $0.99

iPad Sales
• Dead Space – $0.99
• Max & the Magic Marker – $0.99
• Risk – $0.99
• Fifa 11 – $0.99
• Command & Conquer Red Alert – $0.99
• Madden NFL 11 – $0.99
• Scrabble – $0.99
• Reckless Racing – $0.99

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