Hot And New: This Week’s Game Releases You Should Check Out

It’s Thursday again, and in iOS Land this means there’s a ton of new games to play for your iPhone and iPad. We had a look at the releases and want to share with you our list of, what we think are, the most interesting new games:

Emissary of War [Free Universal] is a fully voiced over, story driven hack and slash game with pretty cool graphics. And it’s free. Need I say any more? Well, as great as this sounds (and let me reassure you, it is great), there’s one downside: Emissary of War is a very short game. You can buy an additional Chapter to play via a $2.99 In-App Purchase. Unfortunately, even with this additional Chapter, the game will only last for about one hour or so. Nevertheless, the content that’s available is great, so you should give it a shot.

iBlast Moki 2 [$0.99|$2.99 Universal], the successor of one of my all-time favorite puzzle games on iOS, seems to be improved in a lot of ways and better than ever! There’s even a Portal 2 inspired feature with colored bombs that change the properties of the grounds and make the Mokis accelerate or stick on it for example. I hope you had a chance to get the first iBlast Moki for free yesterday, so you experienced first hand that Godzilab knows how to pull-off a great puzzle game optimized for touchscreen controls. It’s available right now on a special release sale, so be sure to grab it while it’s still cheap!

DEO [$0.99] sets itself apart with a very unique looking art style. I always appreciate it when developers try to create something new and unique. And in DEO’s case, the devs also seem to have found a fitting gameplay mechanic. It’s a puzzle game in which you need to make sure to not fall off the rotating levels. It’s pretty hypnotizing and has a certain atmosphere to it, making it a perfect game for some lonely, rainy days. Right now, DEO doesn’t have an iPad optimized version.

Rouge Sky [$0.99|$1.99] puts you in command of a hot air ballon which you’ll need to guide through action packed levels and defend against various enemies that are waiting in the skies. Rogue Sky is available for a a special launch price right now, so if this sounds like a great game to you, be sure to get it while it’s still on sale!


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