The two console giants Microsoft and Nintendo are going to take advantage of your iPhone and iPad pretty soon! While Nintendo is probably only extending its brand new Wii U social network called Mii-verse, Microsoft is taking things a step further with what they call Xbox Smart Glass.
Xbox Smart Glass is going to be an App that basically turns your iOS device into a media-controller for your Xbox. On top of that, it can also function as an additional screen for games – to show you detailed weapon information in a Halo game, for example. It seems to me as if Microsoft has really put a lot of thought into it and the integration into the system is meant to rival Nintendo’s upcoming Wii U controller with similar features.
If you own an Xbox and this makes you feel all excited, you should totally watch the press conference video that demonstrates Xbox Smart Glass in action.
On top of that, you should also watch Nintendo’s video. And it doesn’t even matter whether you’re interested in the Wii U or not. Why? Because this video is so bad that it’s… well… bad. Really bad. Bad in a “Omg I want to look away but I can’t” kinda way.