Do you still remember how groundbreaking the first Modern Combat game was when it was first released on the App Store? Well, Gameloft is at it again and giving you a look at the 4th instalment of the Modern Combat series for iPhone and iPad. And while the times have changed and we’ve seen such beautiful games like Infinity Blade, Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour still looks pretty awesome for an iOS game. It might not be as groundbreaking as the first entry in the series, but you can clearly see that Gameloft is trying to compensate for that with a more immersive experience. Unfortunately, the writing and presentation of the story is usually one of the weaker elements in almost all Gameloft games, so it’s gonna be interesting to see wether they succeed this time around.
But whatever the outcome may be, I’m still pretty sure that it’s gonna be a fun shooter to kill some time with on your iPhone and iPad.