9mm Out Now: Action Galore For iPhone And iPad

“Shoot first ask questions last” was the prominent line in 9mm’s first trailer. It couldn’t describe the gameplay more accurate. 9mm is available now on the App Store, and from the time I have spent with it so far, it appears to be a rock solid and gorgeous third person shooter. Its gameplay focuses on one thing and does it incredibly well: In-your-face shooter action.

If you’ve been following the development of 9mm and third person shooters in general are your thing, you almost can’t go wrong with it. One thing that’s unusual for a Gameloft release: It comes as Universal App. Color me impressed, that’s a pleasant surprise. To get into the action, you’ll have to invest $6.99. If you’re still not sure whether this game is for you check out the multiplayer trailer above and our full review that should be up within the next few days.


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