Real Racing 3 Announced By Firemonkeys, Trailer Looks Awesome!

If you own an iPhone or iPad and you’re into racing games, you’ve definitely heard of the Real Racing franchise. Not only are those amazing racing games, but the developer Firemonkeys (former Firemint, then merged with IronMonkey to form Firemonekys) always managed to push the visuals to new heights with each and every hardware update Apple released. 1080p output via HDMI? Check. Wireless Full-Screen gameplay via AirPlay the moment that feature was announced with iOS5? Check.

So is it surprising that the brand-new Real Racing 3 trailer will knock your socks off? It looks awesome! It even reminded me of the very first Need for Speed: Shift (the grown-up version for consoles and pc, not the iOS release!). Unfortunately, Firemonkeys didn’t also announce a release date besides a vague “2012″. But if the first two Real Racing games are any indication for the quality we should expect from Real Racing 3, get your iPhones and iPads ready for some seriously awesome racing action!


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